Malee Nerenhausen
VP of International Distribution
Malee Nerenhausen is currently Vice President of International Distribution at The Solution Entertainment Group, the international sales and production company that recently produced Killerman starring Liam Hemsworth and Line of Duty starring Aaron Echkart among many others. She works with international distributors and producers to help facilitate the film financing for the various projects on the company’s slate.
Malee also wrote her first script Love, Capri which she will direct on the island of Capri. She is also an independent feature film producer who currently has several films in various stages of development and pre-production including psychological horrorDisturbed which will also be shot on Capri, The Cactus Creek television series written by Violet Duke as well as several other projects she is currently developing for film and television. She is the producer of The Shattering and co-producer of psychological thriller True Love, both were released internationally.
Previously, Malee oversaw physical production and production film financing for Yari Film Group, the company that produced and financed many notable films including the Academy Award winning Crash. During her tenure she worked on the company’s slate of films including The Accidental Husband starring Uma Thurman and Colin Firth, Resurrecting the Champ starring Sam Jackson and Josh Hartnett, Assassination of a High School President, starring Bruce Willis and The Lonely Maiden starring William H. Macy and Morgan Freeman. She facilitated film financing for many other films and has worked with leading entertainment banks and bond companies.
Adding to her repertoire, she spent several years in Canada on productions for an independent production company which produced and financed multiple productions including 3000 Miles To Graceland, starring Kevin Costner and Kurt Russell.

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