Chris Haley
Documentarian, Author
Actor, Archivist, Filmmaker, Writer, Chris Haley wears many hats. Director, The Study of the Legacy of Slavery at the Maryland State Archives, Director of the Utopia Film Festival, and Annapolis Pride, Annapolis Film Festival, Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Foundation Board member, he is a recent recipient of the Anne Arundel County Arts Council 2021 Literary Arts Award recipient and co-director of the Capital Region Emmy nominated documentary, Unmarked, and author of two books of poetry currently available on Amazon, Until The Right One Comes Along, and, Obsessions. Having also appeared on screen and stage on among other productions: The Wire and Ain't Misbehavin' at the Claridge Casino in Atlantic City, Chris is also a nephew of author Alex Haley and direct descendant of Kunta Kinte.

The MAKE IT Podcast is brought to you by Nicholas Buggs and Christopher Barkley, founders of Bonsai Creative. Our goal is to give a voice to the independent filmmaking community like no one has ever done before.
Utopia Film Festival
indie film, indie filmmaker, top indie film podcast, best indie film podcast, make it, bonsai creative, filmmaking, Chris Haley, Utopia Film Festival, Unmarked Film, Emmy Nominated, Emmy Nominee
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